Noogaleek & Winnanggay

Caring for our youngest generation by providing a stimulating educational experience within a culturally rich environment.


Noogaleek Children’s Centre is a Multifunctional Aboriginal Children’s Service (MACS) licensed for 39 children per day aged 0 to 5.  Winnanggay Preschool is licensed for 20 children per day aged between 3 and 6.

Both centres provide a culturally appropriate and holistic approach to Early Childhood Education for both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children within the Illawarra; this includes engaging with other support agencies to not only support the child but their families as well.

Aim and Philosophy

Noogaleek and Winnanggay aim to provide a service that meets the cultural needs of children, their families and the community within a caring, educational, stimulating, and nurturing environment.

IAC’s childcare service’s philosophy is: “Our Children are Our Future” and so “Let’s bring back the Aboriginal Culture and its Lost Identity”.

Visiting the Schools

You are most welcome to contact the Noogaleek and Winnanggay Coordinator to arrange a visit to one or both of our schools before you decide whether to enroll your child.

Our teachers can explain our educational programs and our cultural activities and show you how we can build your child’s social and educational skills.

Our team would love to chat about how your child could fit into our great centres.


Call 02 4271 8468


Priority of Access & School Bus

Priority of Access

Noogaleek Children’s Centre and Winnanggay Preschool were set up and funded to cater to the cultural needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families. A priority of placement is given to these children, however, people from all cultural backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to join our centres.


Noogaleek School Bus

Noogaleek has a free school bus service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children, in cases where other reliable transport is unavailable.


Call 02 4271 8468

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