Contact Us

We have offices in Wollongong and other areas of the Illawarra. Contact us today to see how we can assist you.

Cultural Centre and Keeping Place

4 Wentworth Street PORT KEMBLA 2505

8.30 am - 4.30 pm, Monday - Friday.

More About Cultural Centre & Services

Noogaleek Children’s Centre & Winnanggay Preschool

Cnr Denniss & Winnima Way, Berkeley NSW 2506
02 4272 4906

Noogaleek Care Centre

Winnanggay Preschool

More about Noogaleek Children's Centre

Myimbarr Permanency Support and Preservation

102 Auburn Street, Wollongong NSW 2500
02 4211 0699
More About Myimbarr Services

Warrigal Employment

1 Bakers Lane, Windang NSW 2528
02 4276 3431

Nowra office:

More About Warrigal Employment

Housing & Homelessness

1 Bakers Lane, Windang 2528
02 4211 0699
More About Housing Services

Illawarra Aboriginal Corporation - Head Office

4 Wentworth St, PORT KEMBLA

8.30 am - 4.30 pm, Monday - Friday.

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4 Wentworth Street PORT KEMBLA 2505
Cnr Denniss & Winnima Way, Berkeley NSW 2506
102 Auburn Street, Wollongong NSW 2500
1 Bakers Lane, Windang NSW 2528
1 Bakers Lane, Windang 2528
4 Wentworth St, PORT KEMBLA

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